Figure Drawing Classes, Workshops,
and Open Studios in Wisconsin
Other States and Provinces

Since 2009, this directory has listed art schools, ateliers, and studios where artists can paint, sculpt, or draw live art models. Life Drawing groups come and go, and schedules change, so it is wise to confirm with the organizer before attending. Please report any defunct groups or broken links to

See submission guidelines if you would like a free listing.

• Listings are sorted by Zip Code •

Wilson Center for the Arts
19805 W. Capitol Drive
Brookfield, WI 53045 Telephone: 262-781-9470 x5023
Art classes include Figure Drawing. Develop your drawing skills the way the masters did, working from a live nude art model. Working with anatomy, drawing techniques, and various exercises, students will learn to see and describe form through drawing. This class is open to all skill levels, 18+ or with parent permission.

Sheboygan Visual Artists
SVA Art Factory
1024 N. 12th Street
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Weekly figure drawing sessions, Mondays 6:30-9:30pm. $8 per session. Models pose unclothed, so artists of any ability, age eighteen and older, are welcomed to attend. E-mail to join an email list for news and information.

Third Thursday Life Drawing
1500 N University Dr., Northview Bldg, Room N0632.
Waukesha, WI 53188 for Abby Streicher UWM outreach manager
Open to community members of all drawing skill levels, we meet 6:30-9:30pm on the third Thursday of every month with the exception of December when we do not meet. Models (male and female) are nude. The length of poses range from 1-minute poses to 60-minute poses. Drawing horses and a friendly atmosphere are provided. Bring your own art supplies. You may register for a single session for $10 or you can save and purchase a punch card with either 6 sessions ($50) or 8 sessions ($65). Park in lot #1 and enter doors #19, the room is the first on the left. We are always seeking new art models, please email for more information.

U.W. Whitewater
800 W. Main Street, Greenhill Center of the Arts, Room 2055N
Whitewater, WI 53190
Art Dept. Office: Telephone: 262-472-1324
Non-Instructional Figure Drawing Open Studio. Group meets Monday evenings 5:30-8:30pm in the UWW Greenhill Center of the Arts, room 2055. No reservations are required. There is a nominal $10 per session fee payable at the session. The U.W. Whitewater Art Department schedules and rotates female and male art models. Sessions consist of a series of warm up gestures followed by several longer poses each session. Must be 18 or over to participate or be accompanied by or have the written permission of a parent or legal guardian.

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
MIAD Pettit Building, Room 385
273 E. Erie St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 Telephone: 414-847-3330
Open Figure Drawing sessions are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters, typically Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm. This is an opportunity to draw from a live model without instruction. One model provides a variety of quick and sustained poses. Participants can choose to pre-register: $50 for 10 sessions, or pay $6 per session at the door. Students under the age of 18 must have written parental permission to attend.

Draw Joseph Studio
1405 16th St #1204
Racine, WI 53403
Uplifting the dual crafts of Figure Drawing & Posing with Free Community sessions! (Tipping the model is encouraged.) Weekly nude figure drawing sessions every Tuesday (6:00-8:30pm). Monthly Specialty Draws: Second Sunday Portrait Session (1:00-3:30pm); Fourth Friday Long Pose (6:00-8:30pm). Fully-equipped drawing theater with a grand welcoming atmosphere. Different models every week, male and female, seasoned and brand new protégés! Email us with questions, to receive our weekly newsletter, to book a private session, or if figure modeling is on your bucket list.

Atwood Atelier
931 E. Main St. #16
Madison, WI 53703 Telephone: 608-345-7745
Instructed and Uninstructed
The atelier hosts weekly short-pose and long-pose open studio figure drawing and painting sessions lasting 3 to 3.5 hours with breaks. Drawing boards, easels, and horses are provided, and feedback is available upon request. Drop-in, punchcard, and membership rates available. See website for schedule and information on additional classes and workshops.

Peninsula School of Art
3900 County F, P.O. Box 304
Fish Creek, WI 54212 Telephone: 920-868-3455
Art classes include Life Drawing or Sculpting: Work independently, without instruction, from a live art model. One male or female model will pose each week. Quick “warm-up” sketches will be followed by longer poses, with the time frame, poses, and clothed or nude option decided by the group. Whether you’re a 2- or 3-D artist, this eight-week session offers a convenient, cost-effective opportunity to work from life.

CREATE Portage County
IDEA Center
1039-B Ellis Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481 Telephone: 715-254-0460
Artists 18+ of all abilities, styles, and genres are invited to participate in the IDEA Center's figure drawing series, DRAW. First Wednesday of each month 6:00- 9:00pm. Featured themes and models both costumed and nude. Bring your own supplies and snacks. $10 for the general public, $5 for CREATE members, free for IDEA Center members. Part class, part social experience. A facilitator will be available to share techniques and to answer questions. Space is limited to 15 artists. Limited easels are available for reservation—RSVP by email. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. Inquire by email if you are interested in modeling.

University of Wisconsin-Stout
Dept. of Art and Design
Menomonie, WI 54751
Contact Amy Fichter
Open Life Drawing. Tuesdays 7:00-10:00pm while classes are in session. Micheels Hall 287. Free. This session provides UW-Stout students and members of the public in the surrounding communities access to an art model for Life Drawing.

MISA -Madeline Island School of the Arts
978 Middle Road, PO Box 536
La Pointe, WI 54850 Telephone: 715-747-2054
Madeline Island School of the Arts offers five day workshops in drawing, painting, and other genres. Workshops include plein air and studio opportunities in watercolor, oil and mixed media. Classes are taught by nationally known instructors during the months of May-October. Suitable for all levels of experience.

Green Lake Renewal
492 Hill St.
Green Lake, WI 54941 Telephone: 920-807-0007
Figure drawing classes are $10 for a 2-hour session on Tuesday nights from 6:00-8:00pm. Female and Male nude models. Poses start at 30 seconds and move up to an hour long pose (up to the moderator's discretion). We are seeking models for the Fall.

[E] = An email has been sent asking the organizer to verify or correct the information listed.
[date] = the listing has been submitted, updated, or verified by the workshop organizer.

The Art Model's Handbook: The Naked Truth about Posing for Art Classes and Fine Artists • by Andrew Cahner
ISBN-13: 978-1-442-16969-2 • ISBN-10: 1-442-16969-9 • Order your copy from Amazon or Book Depository. • Contents of this site © 2009-2025. All rights reserved.
Painting on book cover: “Trois Couleurs Noir.” Oil on canvas. © 2004 Antoine de Villiers. Used with permission.
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