Figure Drawing Classes, Workshops, and Open Studios in South Carolina
Since 2009, this directory has listed art schools, ateliers, and studios where artists can paint, sculpt, or draw live art models.
Life Drawing groups come and go, and schedules change, so it is wise to confirm with the organizer before attending.
Please report any defunct groups or broken links to directory
See submission guidelines if you would like a free listing.
• Listings are sorted by Zip Code •
Columbia Museum of Art
1515 Main Street, PO Box 2068
Columbia, SC 29202
About Face is a group of artists that share a figural model in the Museum's studios.
This group, representing a wide range of ages and abilities, offers a supportive and
friendly atmosphere in which to hone artistic skills. About Face Weekly Drawing Sessions:
• Mondays: Topics vary 10:00am-noon. $12 ($10 for About Face members).
• Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday: Portrait Drawing 6:00-8:00pm
• Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday: Figure Drawing 7:15-9:15pm
Tuesday session fees: First visit is free; $7 for either sesion ($5 for About Face members);
$10 for both Tuesday sessions ($8 for About Face members); $5 student price for both sessions.
Charleston Figure Drawing Group
Street address varies.
Charleston, SC 29401
Come join us for snacks, figure drawing, and to meet other artists and
models and learn from each other. We'll all chip in $10 (depending on
the event -- please check the schedule) to hire a nude art model
and meet in an available space like someone's home or a studio. The
equipment available depends on the location, but generally desks and
easels are not provided, so please bring your own equipment and
supplies. RSVP through the Meetup website (link above). All skill levels are welcome.
Redux Contemporary Art Center
136 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29403
Instructed and Uninstructed
Instructed classes include Intuitive Figure Drawing. From a nude art model, this class will explore an intuitive approach
to the representation of the human figure. All media, styles, and techniques will be encouraged.
Some drawing experience required. Most materials included.
Drop-in Figure Drawing Sessions, Sundays 5:00-7:00pm, except major holidays. $15. This independent figure drawing class allow students to work
from a nude art model in a variety of artistic mediums. Students ranging in skill level from beginner to advanced are welcome
to drop-in any week! This class is perfect for anyone wanting to work independently with the live art model at their own pace.
Easels, chairs, and boards are provided. Artists need to bring their own drawing and/or painting materials.
No registration is required. (Occasionally other events might bump the class, but it pretty much runs every single week.)
Power of Positive Painting with Rob Maniscalco
5 Penn Avenue
Charleston, SC 29407
843-486-3161 or 313-689-2993
Portrait Painting: Participants explore value-based "light on form" painting methods to create
expressive, professional level portraits. Using live art models, the focus is on gaining a deeper understanding
of values to achieve form, character and likeness. Rob's focus is on breaking down the fundamentals, the ones many
teachers tend to gloss over or skip altogether. This is where the magic (and true joy) of representational painting
has to start, creating the illusion of form. Weekly classes are ongoing. 2-3 day workshops and private lessons are also available.
Beginning to advanced welcome. Call or email for rates and schedule.
Figure Drawing with Bob Johnston
13088 Ocean Hwy
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Class includes a nude model and individualized instruction
and feedback. Space is a rented room in the bridge club, with good
lighting and a stage for the model. BYO materials, or let us know if you
need to purchase or borrow some. Generally, students use 18x24
newsprint pads, pastel pencils and charcoal. Classes are scheduled as
students and models are available, but generally are held at least twice
per month. Classes are posted as events on the Facebook page. Cost is
$35 cash or check. We love to see new faces!
WRK GRP Studios
250 Mill St., 2nd Floor
Taylors, SC 29687
We are a dedicated group of artists running an open figure drawing group
every Sunday from 3:00-5:00pm near downtown Greenville. Chairs are provided
and the sessions are $10 (all money goes to the model). The model will typically be nude.
Tega Cay Art League
Glennon Community Center
15083 Molokai Drive
Tega Cay, SC 29708
Contact Shanti Marie: shantmarie
We have drawing sessions once a month on Thursdays 11:00am-1:00pm. $10.00 per person. The art models are in regular
street clothes or costumes. Call or email to find out the date and time each month as these details change periodically.
Friday Arts Project
Space 157
157 East Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Contact Stephen: scrotts86
or 803-554-1826
Our Monday night portrait drawing sessions are every week at Space
157 Studios in Old Town Rock Hill. We have a clothed model for a
two-hour pose. Sessions are open to experienced individuals who
desire to work with a live art model. Tables and chairs provided, please
bring any other materials. No instruction will take place. There is a $5 suggested fee.
Art League of Hilton Head
106 Cordillo Parkway (off Pope Avenue)
Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
Classes include Clothed Model Drawing.