Figure Drawing Classes, Workshops, Open Studios
in Illinois — from Chicago to Champaign
Other States and Provinces

Since 2009, this directory has listed art schools, ateliers, and studios where artists can paint, sculpt, or draw live art models. Life Drawing groups come and go, and schedules change, so it is wise to confirm with the organizer before attending. Please report any defunct groups or broken links to

See submission guidelines if you would like a free listing.

• Listings are sorted by Zip Code •

Northlight Art Studio
1325 East Davis (corner of Davis and Arthur)
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Contact: Jerell Meyer Telephone: 847-640-8007 text
Instructed and Uninstructed
For painters seeking the experience of drawing/painting from a live model, we offer the opportunity to join with other experienced artists in a professional setting. Experienced models in inspiring settings. Demo given pre-session, and suggestions during to further your learning and art experience. First session is gratis with divided model fee. For answers to questions and to reserve a place, please contact Jerell Meyer.
• Tuesdays 1:00-4:00pm. Open studio: Life figure drawing undraped.
• Thursdays 1:00-4:00pm. Themed portraiture painting.
• Other art classes and workshops Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Please inquire.

The Art Center
1957 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
Telephone: 847-432-1888
Instructed and Uninstructed
Art classes include Figure Drawing & Painting; Figurative Sculpture; Life Drawing for Beginner Thru Advanced.
Uninstructed Figure Drawing, Fridays 9:30am-12:30pm; Drop in, informal workshop for all levels. Work in any media from a live art model; TAC Membership required for this class.
Uninstructed Drop-In Figure Sculpt/ Draw Studio: All Levels, Wednesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm; An Informal Drop in workshop for all levels in sculpture as well as drawing. Work from a live art model.

North Shore Art League
620 Lincoln Ave
Winnetka, IL 60093-2308 Telephone: 847-446-2870
Classes include Figure Art (nude), Portrait Art, and Clothed Figure Drawing & Painting. Come learn how to draw the figure, either nude or with clothing and drapery, using colorful setups and compositions. Students can work in their media of choice. NSAL membership required. All ability levels welcome.

Elmhurst Art Museum
150 Cottage Hill Ave.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Telephone: 630-834-0202
Classes include Figure Drawing, an opportunity for adult artists and AP art students who paint and draw to increase skills and comfort while learning to capture the complexity of the human figure. Students will draw from nude and draped models with emphasis on gesture, proportion, volume, contour line, and composition. Pencil, charcoal, pastels, pen and ink, and ink washes will be taught. Please bring a large drawing pad and your drawing tools of choice to class. Model expense included.

The Dupage Art League
218 W Front St
Wheaton, IL 60187
Life Drawing coordinator: Mary Dorrell, email:
The Dupage Art League holds drop-in life drawing sessions with a professional model on the second and fourth Saturday afternoons of the month from 1:30-4:30pm. Our sessions are uninstructed but coordinated. We use both male and female nude models. Our session starts with 5-minute warm ups and then goes into a long pose for the remainder of time with breaks. We supply tables and easels. Bring your own materials. We expect you to use odorless mediums with oils. Fees are $15 per session. Email Mary Dorrell to be put on the model info and session reminder email sent out prior to sessions.

Evanston Art Center
2603 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60201
Telephone: 847-475-5300
Instructed and Uninstructed
Classes include Figure Sculpture; Figure Drawing and Painting; Drawing and Painting the Nude.
Uninstructed Open Figure Studio, Drawing and Painting. Figure Studio offers participants the opportunity to work in their choice of media from nude art models. Poses range from one to thirty minutes. A classroom monitor is in charge. Participants must have previously completed one EAC painting or drawing class. Pay $15 at each class session, or register for entire 10-week term and save. Monday 9:30am-12:30pm.

The Figurative Art League
Noyes Cultural Arts Center
927 Noyes Street, Studio 215
Evanston, IL 60201
Contact Sarah Kaiser-Amaral: Telephone: 773-318-0163
Instructed and Uninstructed
• Saturday Afternoon uninstructed figure drawing 1:00-4:00pm, twice a month. Poses vary from two-week to shorter ones. We work with clothed and/or nude models, both male and female. Equipment provided includes benches, easels, boards, paper, pastel, charcoal, and graphite pencils. All levels welcome; very supportive atmosphere; beautiful studio. Fee: $20 per 3-hour session.
• Instructed classes in figure drawing and figure painting are offered on Thursday afternoons.
Visit our website for more information or to RSVP.

Oak Park Art League
720 Chicago Ave.
Oak Park, IL 60302 Telephone: 708-386-9853
Life drawing, painting and sculpting drop-in sessions:
• Sunday 10:00am-1:00pm.
• Tuesday 6:30pm-9:30pm.
• Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm.
Members $15.00; Non-Members $20. Attendees must be at least 18 years old to attend. Payment via cash only, and exact change is appreciated. See the website for more details.

Acorn to Oak Studios
9411 S. 51st Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Instructed and Uninstructed
Instructed classes include Figure Drawing. Uninstructed sessions include Open Studio Quick Sketch and Open Studio Long Pose. See website for schedule and prices.

Tall Grass Arts Association
367 Artists Walk
Park Forest, IL 60466
Telephone: 708-748-3377
Open Studio for Figure Drawing. No Instructor. Model provided. The life drawing studio is held on the first and third Sundays of each month, 3:00-5:00pm. Artists are invited to bring materials and practice drawing the human form from life. This is a self-guided class that begins with gesture poses and then moves into longer poses. 18 years and older. $15 per session.

Ronnie's Life Drawing
Benedictine University
5700 College Road
Scholl Hall, Room 227
Lisle, IL 60532
Contact Ronnie Maziarek Telephone: 630-408-8055
Thursday evenings 7:00-9:30pm, Friday mornings 9:30am-12:00noon. Male and female models. On Thursdays there's one pose for the evening after a few warm up gestures. On Fridays we start with 1-minute poses and work our way up to 45 minutes. Open to all adults, and high school age with parental/guardian permission. Bring your drawing materials of choice. Feel free to bring in a work to be critiqued during the break. Photos of the model are not permitted at any time. Fee $13 with prior notice, $16 at the door.

Chicago — sorted by Zip Code

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)
Continuing Studies
36 South Wabash Avenue, Suite 1440
Chicago, IL 60603 Telephone: 312-629-6170
Courses include Introduction to Figure Drawing, Multi-level Figure Drawing, Figure Drawing for Illustration, and Multi-level Figure Painting Studio: Gesture drawing and long term poses, clothed and unclothed, male and female models of all body sizes and ages, models pose alone or two models pose together. Class offerings vary by session: Fall, Spring, Summer.

The Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts
1012 N. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60610 Telephone: 312-642-4400
Instructed and Uninstructed
• Courses include Figure Drawing, Portrait Drawing, Figure Painting and Sculpture.
• Open studios with live art models seven days a week! Free to P&C members. Non-Members are charged $15 per 3-hour session. Easels and tables are provided. Gesture drawing and long-term poses, clothed and unclothed, male and female models of all body sizes and ages.

Hyde Park Art Center
5020 S. Cornell Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615 Telephone: 773-324-5520
Instructed and Uninstructed
Open studio figure drawing. Instructed classes include Sculpture - Portrait & Figure; Figure Drawing; Portrait & Figure Painting and Drawing; and Anatomy for Artists. Classes change quarterly; see website for schedule.

Platform Studios Chicago
1821 West Hubbard St.
Chicago, IL 60622
• Figure Drawing Wednesdays and Thursdays 7:00-9:30pm. Live, nude art model, starting with 1-minute gesture sketches, then progressing to 5 and 10 minute drawings. The remainder will be either one long pose (hour and a half) or two medium length. Bring your drawing materials. Instruction available upon request. $10/session and always just drop-in. No sign-up is needed.
• Monthly Figurative Illustration Workshop is a modified figure drawing session including a themed costume, props and other scenarios. $20.
• See website for additional classes and Open Critique.

Vitruvian Fine Art Studio
1735 N. Ashland Avenue, Second Floor
Chicago, IL 60622 Telephone: 312-519-7206
Art classes include Figure Drawing, Drawing the Figure in Pastel, Portrait Drawing, Figure Painting, Portrait Painting, Life Size Sculpture, Portrait Sculpture, Life Casting, and several Anatomy classes.

Ravenswood Atelier
3009 W Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
We offer 3-4 year apprenticeship and accept full-time students only. The atelier trains no more than ten students at one time in order to supply each individual with ample work space and ensure high quality of instruction. The daily life drawing class is a stronghold of our comprehensive program. The portrayal of the human figure in all its subtlety is perhaps the most difficult task for any artist. The drawing of the model provides infinite opportunities for improvement while allowing the instructors to express advanced concepts. It is here that the student develops greater sensitivity to the proportions of the human body, learns to capture gesture and likeness quickly and effectively, and grapples with the fleeting effects of natural light which define the subject in its surroundings.

University of Chicago
Logan Center Room 802
5811 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Outside the Lines is a University of Chicago organization hosting weekly figure drawing sessions on Wednesdays 7:00-9:30 from second week to ninth week of each quarter. The schedule may vary quarter to quarter, so check our website for updates. There will be a live art model at each session. Paper, easels, drawing boards, and other supplies will be available--the supplies are provided free of charge. Poses increase in duration over the three-hour period. All are welcome. Events are free for University of Chicago undergrads, $2.00 for University of Chicago grad students, and $5.00 for those not affiliated with the University.

Lillstreet Art Center
4401 N. Ravenswood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640 Telephone: 773-769-4226
Art classes include Drawing and Painting the Nude Figure.

Studio 935 Adult Art Classes & Workshops
1257 North Milwaukee Ave. 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60642 or text 773-734-5426
Figure Drawing Open Studio on Thursday 6:30-9:30pm with 1,000 square feet space with good lighting for you to set up in. Easels provided. Instruction on request. Start with short poses, gradually work into a long poses. All levels welcome. $12 for three hours.

Rebuild Foundation/ Stony Island Arts Bank
6760 S. Stony Island Ave.
Chicago, IL 60649
Participants of Drop-in Drawing sessions meet very Saturday from 12:00-3:00pm to work from life. This self-guided workshop encourages guests to explore experimental drawing methods together in the newly opened Stony Island Arts Bank. Drawing sessions in March will include a clothed figure model. Open to visitors of all ages. Pencils and dry materials only; materials are not provided.

Beverly Arts Center
2407 W. 111th St.
Chicago, IL 60655
Telephone: 773-445-3838
Classes include Figure and Portrait.


Weekday Life Drawing Studio
800 Enterprise Dr
Rantoul, IL 61866
Meeting weekly on Wednesdays 10:00am-Noon in a studio environment to provide local artists a daytime opportunity for drawing. Seating and some tables available, easels welcome. A newly formed drawing session (4/2013) we're looking for artists and models both. Artists pay a modest fee to offset the payment for the model. Plans are for the group to participate in local art shows as well as our own gallery shows at the studio. Contact the group coordinator for details.

Open Studio Springfield
The Pharmacy Gallery and Art Space
623 East Adams Street
Springfield, IL 62703
contact M.L. Finch Telephone: 217-789-9787
Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm, drop in open studio life drawing, nude model.
Easels, drawing boards, and clips provided; bring your own or make use of community drawing materials. $15 per session; begins with gesture poses followed by long pose with breaks. All are welcome in this energetic and supportive environment; artists under 18 require parent or guardian sign in on Tuesdays. Closed holidays

[E] = An email has been sent asking the organizer to verify or correct the information listed.
[date] = the listing has been submitted, updated, or verified by the workshop organizer.

The Art Model's Handbook: The Naked Truth about Posing for Art Classes and Fine Artists • by Andrew Cahner
ISBN-13: 978-1-442-16969-2 • ISBN-10: 1-442-16969-9 • Order your copy from Amazon or Book Depository. • Contents of this site © 2009-2025. All rights reserved.
Painting on book cover: “Trois Couleurs Noir.” Oil on canvas. © 2004 Antoine de Villiers. Used with permission.
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